The Best Farkle!
First of all, when it comes to Dice games, a company named Motion X has spoiled me rotten.
Not only do they have the prettiest unlockables on the planet, but the gameplay is incredible.
The Motion X games are both based on Poker Dice.
Being a fan of Dice games, there just arent enough on the App store.
I wish someone would make one with all the unlockables and like 10 different dice games!
Back to Patch Farkle.
It looked awesome to me, so I thought, " Here is my chance to own what seems to be an awesome Farkle Game!
I first played it last night and 2 hours went by in what felt like 10 minutes. This game is incredible.
I really have to give a lot of credit to the developers on this one.
I wish the dice rolling would keep going as long as I push the roll button, but it seems to have a set amount of roll time.
Another thing I would love to see are more styles of Tables / Backgrounds as well as many unlockable sets of Dice.
This would keep the game alive for so long - Long term goals that really mean a lot for the player to keep playing.
I must admit, before I got this game my understanding of Farkle was a little foggy, as other titles instructions were fairly tough to understand.
Patch Farkle will teach you about the game VERY easily.
I HIGHLY recommend this game to anyone who enjoys Dice, Card, Casino, Strategy, or even Puzzle games.
It owns a solid spot on my iPod for a long time, if not forever.
Coloursound about
Patch™ Farkle